The thought of training your cat to use the toilet is an amusing concept for cat moms. After all who wouldn’t prefer the toilet over a stinky litter box. There are lots of benefits of training a cat to use the toilet. It eliminates the odor produced by the litter container. There will be less work for you to clean. It requires patience, learning, and tolerance to toilet train a cat. Listed below are steps to toilet train your cat in 14 days or less:
Designate toilet for your cat
It’s recommended that you have a separate bathroom for your cat if you want to toilet train it. You may need to use the bathroom fast and it complicates things when you have the training pan on the toilet seat. You can make it work with only one toilet but it will be more challenging.
Collect the necessary items
The supplies you will need before toilet training your cat include:
If your cat is picky about their litter, you may want to get them slowly changed over to a flushable litter first. If the non-flushable litter falls into your toilet it could mean some large plumbing bills.
Elevate the litter each week in segments
Prior to training, while waiting for your litter seat to come in the mail you can start elevating the litter box slightly higher each day until it can sit on top. You can use stacks of newspaper, cardboard or worn out magazines to raise the litter box by 3 inches every day till it’s on close to the toilet seat.
Put the litter box on the toilet seat
When the litter box is level to the toilet seat then put it on the top of the toilet seat and let it be there for a couple of days. This way your cat will get comfortable and relaxed enough to be on the toilet.
Swap the litter box with a training seat filled with flush-able litter
As soon as your cat is easily using the litter box without any mishaps then this is the stage when you can use your training seat. And swap the litter box with a training seat filled with flush-able cat litter.
Switch into using the toilet
Give your cat adequate time to get used to going to the bathroom on the training seat. As soon as your cat feels safe about squatting on the training seat he/she will begin to use it.
Remove the training seat
After slowly expanding the dimensions of the hole or training plates, you can take away the training base finally. Now your cat should be relaxed and content in going to the bathroom in the toilet rather than the litter box.
Have you had any experience training your cat to use the ceramic idol? We would love to hear about it!

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