Is Your Home Cat-Friendly?
A home is a meant to be convenient and comfortable for both humans and pets. Keeping a cat-friendly home is the responsibility of every cat owner to ensure the survival of their cat. This article highlights 5 important ways to cat-proof your home.

Avoid Poisonous Plants
It is important that you research on the plants which are poisonous for a cat. Hence, make it a point to avoid poisonous plants around your home. Leaves, plants, and grasses are one of the cat’s favorite things to bite, be careful to hang your plants in a way that will be beyond the reach of your cat. Failure to do so may lead to nausea if not worse

Don’t Let Your Cat Get Hold of Human Food
There are lots of human food ingredients that can be toxic to cats. For instance, food high in carbohydrate and low in moisture can affect your cat’s health. You have to realize that cats are smart pets that will climb the cupboards, tables, and counters in search of food. It is important that you do not leave any food unattended as your beloved pet can often sneak into the kitchen unnoticed. In addition, make sure that your cat cannot get access to the kitchen trash can in search of food.

Keep All Cleaning Products and Chemicals Locked Away
CAT 101 – In the cat world, do not assume anything. They are weird pets that can do a lot of annoying stuff like opening the cabinet door, climbing small spaces, eating human foods and lots more. Therefore, it is important to make sure all cleaning products and chemicals are locked away in cabinets that they cannot get access to. Cats are determined and resourceful animals that will figure out a way to open any door. Doing this will safeguard your cat and keep your home friendly for her.

Get Enough Toys
Felines love to play so it is expected that you buy a lot of toys for them to play with. Unlike dogs, cat’s toys are inexpensive. In fact, a cat can happily play with a piece of paper and be satisfied. They also love to sleep, get ready a warm cat mat for them. Buying the right toys is another thing to consider; make sure you examine the set of toys you purchase for your cat and isolate the ones that could cause harm to your cat.
Click here for a list of really cool cat toys

Shut The Windows and Doors Always
This is important for new cat owners. It is nothing new that cats are curious animals that love to jump in and out, it should be noted that you secure all the doors and windows in your house. Whenever you enter and leave your house, make sure you don’t leave any window or door open.
Make sure you stick to the right mode of nutrition because your cat’s diet will determine its wellbeing. Cats are small animals but they require routine feeding to ensure quality health; thus, you have to be careful not to overfeed or underfeed your cats.
We hope that this post helps you keep your house more cat-friendly, helping to keep your furbabies safe.
Got anymore tips? Leave yours in the comments!
Keep purring,

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