Cats are traditionally independent animals; yet they make wonderful pets. As pets, they can also be very affectionate. A loved and happy cat is more loyal than an unhappy one. Matching your personality to your cat is important for both you and your cat to be happy and content with each other. This will not only make them feel loved but it will also increase the level of companionship between the both of you. How to show your cat you love them.
An unconditional love
The first step to showing your cat you love them is to take note of the sensitive parts of their bodies. Just like humans, some body parts of cats are sensitive. Observe those parts of the body and gently touch them each time you play with her.
If your cat ignores you, don’t be angry. Sometimes, your cat may try to exhibit some bad behavior problem like urinating outside her litter box. Just relax and exercise patience – giving your pet time is most times helpful.
Keeping it real with your cat
Cats are very playful, especially younger cats. Make time each day to play with your pet. Toys like light balls or feathers can be so much fun. Just make sure you supervise them each time they play to avoid them swallowing items they ought not to.
Cats can be lazy animals and they love lying around. If she sleeps for over 15 hours a day, accept her the way she is and allow her to be whatever she is. That way she will feel loved.
Reward them for good behavior
Whenever your cat does something right, always reward him/her. It could be her favorite treat or simply loving pet. Never punish your cat physically; it may cause severe mental damage to your beloved pet.
Feed them the best
Cats need the proper nutrition; so avoid giving them human food. Make sure you don’t scrimp on the kind of food you buy for them. It is practical that humans can’t thrive on junk food, so also cats. When you feed your baby with the highest rated food, you will see the effect on every part of his/her body. Shop around for the best nutritional cat foods for your felines. This will make them feel loved and also show love to you in return
Talk with them to show them you love them
Some people might think its weird, but talk to your cat. This can help to build a good relationship with your cat. Give attention to your feline; dedicate time for her to know that she is truly loved. It bounds the both of you and makes the cat feel free to express herself any time you are around.
It is important not to force your cat into doing any of the above. Like I said earlier, be patient with your cat. Treat her with love, feed her properly, allow freedom and dedicate play time to her. These are the secret to building a long-lasting relationship with your feline.
Your fur baby is your king.

Click here to learn what you can do to change a cats life
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