Traveling with your cat can be quite demanding and challenging. One of the major challenges is vomiting and irritation; no matter how short your trip is there is a possibility of this event to take place. It is normal because most cats live their entire lives in the house, therefore, bringing them outdoors make them anxious. While some cats enjoy the pleasure of traveling, others struggle. This is why a responsible cat owner plans his/her journey weeks before time.
Plan ahead of time to prepare
Before traveling with your cat, there are some things you need to put in place. First, you need to get it used to different things: using a carrier, a litter box, wearing a harness, using a leash, and so on. Have your cat used to a carrier about a week or two before you travel. Fill the carrier with items (e.g. treats, toys) that will attract them to it. Being a curious pet, they will go in and see for themselves. So when you travel, they are already familiar with the space available for them to relax. Place your cat in a carrier in the vehicle and fasten it into the back seat for safety. Your cat carrier should be spacious enough to give them room to lay down and relax during the trip.
During preparation, make sure to include your cat’s litter box. The new environment will help your cat understand the need for the box. Gently introduce the litter box to your cat in order to avoid upsetting it. It is also important to get the right brand for your cat to prevent urinary infections.
Make traveling easier
Wearing a harness and using a leash on your cat is very important while traveling. Using a harness is recommended because it is safer than collars for cats. Harness and leash are used simply because your cat will have to do the walking at a point. This means you have to introduce the harness to your cat a few weeks before you travel and train them to get used to walking on a leash.
When traveling by car, bus and train, you have to make sure your cat is in a kennel. Traveling with your cat by plane depends on individual airline rules. Some airlines allow cats weighing less than 11 pounds to stay in the cabin if they are in a kennel. Make sure you read the airlines pet policy before booking a ticket.
Food, blankets, and toys make cats comfortable and occupied while traveling. Carrying a disposable litter box is important for long trips. Don’t forget to travel with water, food tray.
Before traveling to a foreign country, it is necessary to know that some documents (e.g. vaccination) are required by the country. Consult the embassy for more details!
Make sure you book a hotel that specifically allows cats.
Lastly, consult your veterinarian to prescribe a medicine that prevents noxiousness or tranquilizer to reduce stress for your cat depending on its health status.
We hope this guide will help relieve some of the stress traveling with a cat will take.
Good luck,

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