All cats exhibit different behavioral patterns around the house while some are homeless in animal shelters. It is only natural for them to claw and scratch, stalk and hunt small prey, and climbing is a natural instinct, these are inborn natural behaviors that have been since the beginning of time. However, there are some things you ought to do to change/improve the life of a cat regardless of whether you own it or not.
Checkup With The Veterinarian
One of the first things you should do if you want to change the life of your cat is to seek veterinary guidance. Don’t wait for your cat to get sick before you consult your vet; take them or checkup examinations regularly. Veterinarians are professionals who carry the interests of cats and other animals at heart.
Your vet might have any advice or some recommendations that will change the life of your cat. Like humans, cats need certain additional supplements for optimum health and disease prevention. These two parameters are very important in the life of a cat. Ask your vet to recommend additional minerals, vitamins, and fibers which can be added to their diet. You will find the huge benefits in their overall well being.
The wrong diet can greatly influence the health of your cat. As a cat owner, you are meant to understand that the wrong food combination can directly influence the digestive tract of your pet. Changing your feline’s diet can be challenging and difficult; yet, it is of uttermost importance. The change in the diet depends on the kind of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) your cat has and the transitioning period will depend on your approach and your cat’s personality.
If your objective is to change your cat’s diet from a diet that is low in moisture, high in carbohydrates, and contain toxic preservatives (which are ingredients that are deadly to cats) then you should change your cat’s diet to one that is filled with healthy nutrients. Regardless of what happens, changing your feline’s diet is essential to changing the state of their health.
Trimming Your Cat’s Claws
Though scratching is a natural behavior that cats use to mark their territory. It is only natural for a cat to use his claw to mark his territory. Yet, it can cause all sorts of damages. So before your cat starts to destroy all that you cherish, you have to begin with trimming their claws. Trimming your kitten’s claws should be done at a very early age to discourage them from damaging your furniture, books, couch, and other valuable properties. If you don’t know how to go about this, meet with your vet. He’ll guide you on how to go about the procedure! Then you could use this knowledge to volunteer at your local animal shelter.
Adopt Don’t Shop
You can support your local animal shelter by adopting “don’t shop”. Put on don’t shop” jackets, necklace or other visible items to make people aware that many dogs, cats, and animals in the animal shelter are in need of a good home. By so doing, you will encourage people to buy their next pet in the animal shelter, save the lives of these wonderful creatures and also helping your society.
“Remember you may only be someone in the world, but to someone you may be the world”
Doing a few simple things could change a cats life. If you have any ideas that could change a cats life write them in the comments below we love hearing from you!
Have a pawsome day,

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