Hey fellow cat lover! People who love cats like their space just as cats do. We are misunderstood just the way people who don’t like cats and who like dogs more. To enjoy us you have to understand these 5 personality traits that us cat lovers often have in common with cats.
You’re an introvert
Cat lovers tend to lean more toward introversion rather than extroversion. Which means you would probably rather stay home with your cats and read a book or watch a movie than go out and party with people. That sounds like a perfect day to me!
You have a deep compassion and think about things from others point of view. Sensitive people are also known to be less selfish, because you care about others feelings and point of view. Being sensitive also gives you a good intuition and this can make you a great leader! Believe it or not animals can actually sense sensitive people, and of course- they love them!
You are willing to question the rules and walk a different path. Without non-conformists nothing would change in the world. You aren’t afraid to stand up for what you believe in! A non-conformist believes that it is okay to break the rule every once in a while for the greater good.
You are open-minded
As someone who is open-minded- you are willing to listen to someone with a different opinion and open to new ideas and learning new things. You realize that just because someone has a different opinion, does not mean that you can’t get along! You are honest enough with yourself to know that you don’t know everything- and that is totally okay! And you also understand that everyone makes mistakes.
You are intelligent! Your open-mindedness which has led you to be open to learning new things and gather the opinions of others has also helped you become more intelligent! Intelligent people often live longer!
Do these personality traits describe you? If so a cat may be your BFF! We hope you liked this post. Feel free to leave us a comment below!
Have a PAWsitively PURRtastic day,

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